Dear colleague,


From the Department of Educational Innovation at the Polytechnic University of Madrid, and in collaboration with AEIPRO (the Spanish Association of Engineer Project Management IPMA) and the University of Cadiz (UCA), we would like to request your help in our research on Educational Innovation Governance in Higher Education Institutions and Universities internationally.


To carry out this research, we have developed a questionnaire oriented to the authorities and directors in charge of Educational Innovation (e.g. academic vice-rectors, directors of Educational Innovation Department, etc.), as well as any person in charge of projects related to that domain and university professors.


It is a confidential and anonymous questionnaire. The respondents will not be identified, either directly or indirectly, in any report or published document related to that study. Only the participating university will be referenced in its respective report.


The questionnaire can be found through the following link:


Please enter the survey by visiting the previous URL and filling:

- Usuario (email): upm

- Constraseña: upolitecnica


We want to express our gratitude for your participation in this study,

Prof. Andrés Díaz Lantada, on behalf of UPM's Educational Innovation Survey