The International Journal of

Engineering Education

Volume 11, Number 2 - 1995


1. M. S. Wald Editorial
2. M. S. Wald Engineering Education World
3. M.U.Hosain Three E's of Teaching: Enduring, Effective and Entertaining
Engineering Education Policy
4. F.Coowar, M.Giger, C.Loukides
and K.M.Siddiqui
Restructuring the National Polytechnic Institute, Lao PDR
Mechanical Engineering
5. I.S.Gibson Professional Development and Education in Engineering Design
6. K. Ramani and D. Henderson Using Advanced CAD Software in Teaching Design
Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering
7. C.N.Reffold
Spreadsheet Modelling of Turbojet Performance
Electronic Engineering
8. J. Majewski
Functional Simulation in Microprocessors Applications Teaching
9. A.H.Bidlot and F.Boersma A Course on Electronic Design within a CIM Environment
Engineering Mathematics
10. C.Y. Lam Spreadsheet Implementation of the Lax-Wendroff Method
Environmental Engineering
11. D.G.Wareham and
A Proposed Course Matrix for Holistic Education in Environmental Engineering
Chemical Engineering
12. J.M. Lopes, F.Lemos
and F.Ramoa Ribeiro
Predicting the Performance of a Chemical Reactor
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