Volume 15 number 3


Engineering Education world

Engineering Education Issues and Research
N.Eftekhar and D.R.Strong
University of Manitoba ,Canada 
Towards Dynamic Modeling of a Teaching/Learning Process: Part 3 The Simulation Model
H.A.Davies,J.Csete and L.K.Poon
Hong Kong Polytechnic University
Employers Expectations of the Performance of Construction Graduates
O.Al Jayyousi
Applied Science University, Amman, Jordan
Introduction of Lateral Thinking to Civil and Environmental Engineering Education

Process Engineering
D.B. van Dongen
Cultor Food Science,USA
E.C. Roche
New Jersey Institute of Technology,USA
Efflux Time from Tanks with Exit Pipe Fittings

Mechanical and Control Engineering
M.O.Tokhi,A.K.M.Azad and H.Poerwanto
University of Sheffield,UK
SCEFMAS: an Environment for Dynamic Characterisation and Control of Flexible Robot Manipulators

Biomedical Engineering
Penn State University.Wilkes-Barre,USA
Developing Interpersonal Skills in a Clinical Engineering Program

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