Vol 39 No. 1




Contributions in: Generic Competences, Attrition, Graduate Students, COVID-19,

Motivation, Stress, Systems Thinking, First Year Students, Creativity, Sustainability,

Risk Estimation, Design Education, STEAM, Cross-Cultural Comparison, Coaching,

Interdisciplinarity, PBL, Student Persistence, Abstract Thinking, Academic Dishonesty,

Assessment, Asynchronous Online Discussions, Attitudes, Senior Projects, e-Learning,

Team Work, Computer Simulation, Particle Dynamics, Electronic Circuits,

Analog Circuits, Fuzzy Numbers




Ahmad Ibrahim

*The Challenge of Developing and Assessing Transversal Competences in Higher Education Engineering Courses

Lucía Seguí and Miguel Galiana

*Current Trends in Attrition Considerations of Graduate Engineering Students in the United States

Matthew Bahnson and Catherine G. P. Berdanier

*Impact of COVID-19 on Engineering Students in the Middle Phases of the Pandemic: Academic Motivation, Valued College Experiences, and Stress

Renee M. Clark, Mary Besterfield-Sacre, Samuel Dickerson and David Gau

Challenges to Systems Thinking and Abstract Thinking Education During the COVID-19 Pandemic

Aziz Shekh-Abed and Nael Barakat

*First-Year Engineering Students’ Ideation in Data Analytics

Ruben D. Lopez-Parra, Aristides P. Carrillo-Fernandez, Amanda C. Emberley, Tamara J. Moore and Sean P. Brophy

*Multistage Sustainability Education for University Engineering Students: A Case Study from Mechanical Engineering in Technological University Dublin

Kevin Dominic Delaney

*A Teaching Framework for Engineering Risk Estimation under Climate Trends

Vijay Panchang, Jemerson P James, Pratiwi Fudlailah and Sashikant Nayak

Innovative Concepts for Integrating Mathematics and Modelling Training in Industrial Design Engineering Program

José Antonio Pérez, Álvaro Deibe, José Ramón Méndez, Jon Solozabal, Pablo Fernández, Ahitor Regueiro and

Cristina Prado

A Cross-Cultural Comparison of the Impact of Individualism – Collectivism on Risk Perception of Engineering Students from Brazil and Spain

Rachel Xenia Chang, Isabel Ortiz-Marcos, Rocío Rodríguez-Rivero and Marly Monteiro de Carvalho

*Making the Case for Applying Athletic Coaching to Support and Propagate Instructional Practices in Engineering Education

Renee M. Clark, Samuel J. Dickerson and Marc Christian

Faculty Conceptions of Tensions in PBL Implementation in Early Undergraduate Engineering Education

Angela van Barneveld and Johannes Strobel

*Longitudinal Study of Engineering Student Persistence at the University of Colorado

Robert H. Davis and Brittany L. Bergstrom

*Learning and Instruction that Combine Multiple Levels of Abstraction in Engineering: Attitudes of Students and Faculty

Mohammed Ali Hadish, Shahar Kvatinsky and Aharon Gero

Engineering Undergraduates’ Academic Dishonesty: An Empirical Study in China

Liu Xin Juan and Zhang Bin

Fostering and Assessing the Systems Thinking of First-Year Engineering Students Using the System Architecture-Function-Purpose Framework

Rea Lavi, Lori Breslow, M. Mehdi Salek and Edward F. Crawley

*Collaborative Engagement and Help-Seeking Behaviors in Engineering Asynchronous Online Discussions

Ruth Rothstein, Yonghee Lee, Edward J. Berger, Jeffrey Rhoads and Jennifer Deboer

*Promoting Engineering Students’ Learning: An Interdisciplinary Teaching Approach of Electronic Circuits

Beto Catz, Avinoam Kolodny and Aharon Gero

Computer Simulation and Animation (CSA) for Learning Particle Dynamics: Force and Acceleration in Curvilinear Motion

Ning Fang and Yongqing Guo

Post-Pandemic Hybrid Curriculum Recommendations for an Undergraduate ICT Senior Project Course

Gϋzin Tirkes¸, Gϋler Kalem, Hϋrevren Kilic¸ and Nergiz Ercil Cagiltay

Multi-Criteria Evaluation of eLearning Attributes using the Fuzzy TOPSIS Method

Martin Jaeger, Desmond Adair and Sayed Soleimani

Student Self-Efficacy and Satisfaction: A Comparative Analysis of Online and Onsite Versions of an Analog Electric 252–262

Circuits Lab

Wesley Lawson and Jennifer L. Kouo

Impact of Work Experience on Engineering Graduate Students’ Teamwork Skills, Knowledge, and Terminology Usage

Olivia Gettel, Diane L. Peters and Elizabeth Gross

Guide for Authors