Contents Volume 21 number 2



Part I


Special Issue


The Entrepreneurial Engineer: Educating Tomorrow’s Innovator


Guest Editor


John Feland, Stanford University







John Feland

Guest Editorial


Engineers are Entrepreneurs and Innovators


Innovation as a Meta Graduate Attribute for Engineers

E.Leach and T.A.Little

Weaving Innovation into the Fabric of Engineering Education

L.E.Carlson and J.F.Sullivan

Bridging the Gap between Invention and Innovation

D.Stone,M.B.Raber,S.Sorby,  and M.Plichta

The Enterprise Program at Michigan Technological University

B.V.Dean,A.Osland and M.Solt

Lessons learned in the Implementation of E- Teams


Problem- based Learning Approach in Accomplishing Innovation and Entrepreneurship of Civil Engineering

J. Dohn, D. W. Pepper, E. Sandgren

Creating Innovative Curricula: Developing New Programs with New Paradigms

C. Hamilton, G. P. Crawford and E. M. Suuberg

A Technology- Based Entrepreneurship Course


Part II


Contributions on:


Engineering Education Research, Engineering Design,

Digital Electronics, Optical and Biomedical Imaging,

Control Engineering, Mechanics, Software Engineering


A.Z.Qhamhiya and B.Ramond

Internationalization of the Undergraduate Engineering Program (Part 2):Application Example

H.Y.K.Lau and K.L.Mak

A Configurable E- Learning System for Industrial Engineering

B.L.Steward, S.K.Mickelson and T.J.Brumm

Continuous Engineering Course Improvement through Synergetic use of Multiple Assessment


W.L.Chan and Z.Qu

Using XML/Java to Enhance Online Learning Architecture for Engineering Education

E.J.Berjano and A.Lozano- Nieto

A New Methodology for Teaching Performance Characteristics of Measurement Systems

S.A.Perez, Lopez,M.J.Gonzalez, Brana,J.Marcos, Acevedo,M.D.Valdes and E.Mandado

Java- Based Learning of Algorithms for VLSI Physical Design Automation

R.J.Stanley, S.E.Watkins and R.H.Moss

Integration of Real- World Problems into an Image Processing Curriculum


A Hands-on Model-computed Tomography Scanner for Teaching Biomedical Imaging Principles

E.Cheever and Y.Li

A Tool for Construction of Bode Diagrams from Piecewise Linear Asymptotic Approximations

R.M.Cummings and D.W.Hall

Aircraft Design for Second-year Undergraduate Students

T.A.Philpot and R.H.Hall

The Role of MDSolids in International Mechanics of Materials Education


Introducing a Graduate Course on Aspect-Oriented Software Development


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