Contents Vol 26-1


Covers and Abstracts

A. Ibrahim 


G. Ostojic, S. Stankovski, L. Tarjan, I. Senk,

and V. Jovanovic

Development and Implementation of Didactic Sets in Mechatronics and Industrial Engineering Courses



D. Guerra-Zubiaga, E. Ramón-Raygoza, V. Lara-Prieto,

R. Parkin and M. Jackson

A Systems Approach to a Final Year Mechatronics Design Course



R. Abiyev, D. Ibrahim and B. Erin

EDURobot: an Educational Computer Simulation Program for Navigation of Mobile Robots in the Presence of Obstacles



S. Mistikoglu and I. Özyalçin

Design and Development of a Cartesian Robot for Multi-disciplinary Engineering Education



F. Blázquez, J. R. Arribas, C. Veganzones, C. A. Platero

and D. Ramírez

Adaptation of the Electric Machines Learning Process to the European Higher Education Area



R. Luna, R. Hall, M. Hilgers and L. Ge

GIS Learning Tool for Civil Engineers



R. Dorado, R. López-García, E. Torres-Jimenez

and F. Díaz Garrido

Teaching Turbochargers via Computer Aided Design Software



D. Abbot and K. Grantham Lough

Component-Function Templates To Aid Engineering Design Education



N. Fang and J. Lu

A Decision Tree Approach to Predictive Modeling of Student Performance in Engineering Dynamics



V. Mahnic

Teaching Scrum through Team-Project Work: Students' Perceptions and Teacher's Observations



M. Čupić and Ž. Mihajlović

Computer-Based Knowledge, Self-Assessment and Training



F. Jiménez and J. E. Naranjo

Multidisciplinary Practicals in Satellite Navigation Systems in Road Vehicles for Subjects Taught in Different Engineering Schools



V. Robledo-Rella, L. Neri and J. Noguez

Collaborative Learning for Physics Courses at Tecnológico de Monterrey, Mexico City Campus



A. C. Estes, R. W. Welch, S. J. Ressler, N. Dennis, D. Larson, C. Considine T. Nilsson, R. J. O'Neill, J. O'Brien

and T. Lenox

Ten Years of ExCEEd: Making a Difference in the Profession



A. Donnelly, C-Y Wu, P. Biswas, Y. Li, A. Denny

and E. Hodge

Front-End Evaluation to Enhance the Usefulness and Adoption of Educational Materials: from Museum Education to Engineering Education



I. Ortiz-Marcos, M. J. Sánchez Naranjo and

J. R. Cobo Benita

Evolution of Final Degree Projects at the Universidad PoliteÂcnica de Madrid



R. S. Evans and S. P. Nichols

Creating Links from Customers to Technology



R. Žavbi, J. Benedičič and J. Duhovnik

Use of Mixed Academic-Industrial Teams for New Product Development: Delivering Educational and Industrial Value



N. Triki, N. Gupta, S. Wamuziri and T. Rafik

An Investigation into the Role of Engineering and Technical Education in Providing the Skills Needed by Libyan Manufacturing Industry



S. Y. Sohn and Y. H. Ju

Perceptions of Engineering Among Korean Youth



M. L. Pertegal-Felices, J. L. Castejón-Costa

and A. Jimeno-Morenilla

Personal and Emotional Skill Profiles in the Professional Development of the Computer Engineer



H-L Jian, F. E. Sandnes, Y-P Huang, Y-M Huang

and S. Hagen

Comparison of Taiwanese and Norwegian Engineering Students' Preferences for University Life




Web Statistics